Keys to generating more high-quality leads:
• Many factors determine where best to gate—at entry, at 25%, and "before the reward."
• Prioritize lead quality over quantity, targeting leads with high conversion potential.
• The more value provided before gating, the greater chance users will complete the form.
Marketing is the lifeblood of lead generation and pipeline—so ensuring your digital marketing strategy is effective, and constantly evaluating it for improvement, are critical components to success for any business.
How can you properly evaluate the health of your digital marketing strategy? One effective method is to examine the relationship between your collection of digital marketing creative (Digital Marketing Toolkit) and where these assets live within your prospects' path to purchase (Buyer’s Journey).
Comparing perspectives
In essence, it's a matter of perspective: evaluating your Digital Marketing Toolkit involves looking at the variety of assets, their quality, and the consistency of that quality across your full library of digital marketing collateral.
The Buyer's Journey, on the other hand, provides crucial context that should inform the balance of your Digital Marketing Toolkit: the quantity of each asset based on the specifics of your buyer's unique path-to-purchase and the current challenges, needs, and goals of your prospective customer.

Digital Marketing Toolkit
How many of each asset do we have within each category?
Do we have a good variety of asset types?
How are assets, or categories, performing (against each other, or the competition)?

Buyer's Journey
Does the quantity of assets within each category align with buyer needs and marketing goals?
Is our variety of asset types balanced across our prospects' unique path to purchase to properly support the goals of each phase?
Is the performance of each asset properly aligned with the specific needs of the buyer's phase it inhabits?
In this way, it’s possible to see that simply evaluating your Digital Marketing Toolkit without the context of the Buyer’s Journey could lead to an incomplete picture that misaligns with larger strategies. Published marketing assets should align with the specific needs of your buyers at their specific place within their path to purchase, and your company’s current marketing strategy and targets.