Let's Talk
As a well-established start-up, how should GridX explain their technology to expand their reach?
Gaining traction in the well-established energy industry is tough. But empowered with an innovative solution, GridX knew they had what it takes—and approached CPR with the goal of explaining and spreading the word about their innovative technologies.
A pair of 90-second, polished animations provided a one-two punch: first, introducing GridX and their innovative technology and solutions, then providing a closer look at real-world results from their customers.
Leveraging the fresh GridX brand language, CPR was able to create an elegant, engaging design palette that bolstered the industry-leadership tone and balanced it with an approachable feel.
Another effective decision was creating two separate videos.
Without the need to pack too much into a single video, which could oversimplify messaging, we were able to achieve a consumable 90-second runtime. Not only an industry standard, this runtime provided balance between thorough explanation and context, while also not “giving it all away”—teasing audiences to take further action and learn more.
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Having worked with CPR at my previous job, I knew exactly who to call for videos when I landed at GridX.
Their timeliness, experience, and high quality made them a clear choice to bring into the fold at my new company—and we couldn’t be happier with the results.
Brad langley // VP marketing